CNC Router : How to make one with DMS help

Information given to me by Jason B at the DMS on how to make a CNC Router.


A link to the main Shapoko site:

Where I got the kit:

Controller I’m using:

General Idea for the spindle(motor drive) that I’m using: and

Where I have been getting my bits:

Software to stream Gcode to the Arduino:

I researched CNC routers for a good month or so before deciding on the Shapeoko. It’s the cheapest and most upgradable one you can find due to the Makerslide.

I got this board but I burned out a driver on another project and since it was to tall to fit in my enclosure I just said fuck it. I’ll make you a deal on it. hehehe.

Other than a few small differences they work very similar to a 3D printer just running on an arduino Uno or similar with GRBL as opposed to Marlin/Mega. The arduino is rather taxed just running as it does so a computer of some sort has to stream the Gcode. Many people have tried to port the code to the Arduino Mega but it fails miserably.

I did find this site a few days ago that has ported GRBL to anything that runs the ARM M3. Looks interesting but I know nothing about it.

You can also go with Mach3 or EMC2 but then you need a PC with a parallel port and have to have a break out card that costs more than my whole controller.

Ramps and CNC

  1. RAMPS settings for CNC
  2. Hacking your cnc toolchain
  3. PyCAM discussion
  4. Reprap GCode

Centos 6 Build

Build goes here

Install python2.7 without breaking Centos internals. (link)

sudo yum update # update yum 
sudo yum install centos-release-scl # install SCL
sudo yum install python27 # install Python 2.7
scl enable python27 bash
cd /opt/rh/python27/root/usr/bin/ # cd to the directory where SCL installs python 
sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./easy_install-2.7 pip
sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./pip2.7 install requests

Note that using the SCL python2.7 is not as straight forward as it should be. (link)


If using “Let’s Encrypt” then you’ll need to update to python 2.7

Reprap build notes

I’m buying one of the steppers needed for this project, but I’m still not sure which RepRap I want to build.

First.. a parts list. The one that comes with the project was good, but was a bit on the confusing side to me.

Going to build a wolfstrap as a bootstrap out of wood.   First step, I need a motor to prototype with and make sure mounts are all done properly  I found two sources for the NEMA-17 motors.  I also found two pages giving details on steppers for the darwin and mendel. for $14.28 and for $14.65

Both are a bit pricey for under a $30 dollar purchase.

Here’s the specs for the electronics that have to be built.

Gavilan showed me this for the stepper (link link) and driver.   We will need 4 steppers and 3 driviers.  The extruder controller always looks to be seperate on all the builds I’ve seen.

Video of the parts list explained, and a very nice view of part of it being assembled.

Prusa Mendel – A mendel that uses bushings instead ofwith a blog.   This is the one I will be building.
There is a very detailed parts list and nice instructions on how to assemble the end product.

Mendel electronics – looking for a good cheap source for these.  Buying this kit for my electronics.

Berlin 1st Printing
Berlin Wolfstrap