Ghetto Heated Bed

I built this off thingieverse HERE, but this is a build log of how I did it.

The maker is, but I ordered it from amazon.

Prototype Universal Stripboard 4″x 10″ (101x254mm) 4000 hole Epoxy Fiber

I bought two of these and taped them flat side by side.  I put a bead of CA down the middle with both boards bent at a 90 degree angle from each other.  When I was happy with the bead, I put both of them on a flat surface with the tape facing down.  I pressed the boards together for about 30 seconds, then let them site for about 15 minutes.  When I got back, I removed the tape and I had one solid board.  From there I took a solid core wire.

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North Vancouver, BC  V7P1S6


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Spool hanger

imagePosted 12/03/2012:
I finally got tired of having to manually spool filiment off the spool that was on the ground, and then have to “untangle” it after every print.  So.. design these brackets to hold a wooden dowel rod.


Posted 12/4/2012:
After letting it run overnight unattended, I have concluded it doesn’t take much tension at all to make the extruder start to dig into the filiment and stop extruding.  I didn’t waste much plastic, as the print stopped around the 4-5 layer of two prusa feet.  But to wake up to unfinished feet was disappointing.

Prusa v1 failure again!!

You know, there is a valid reason the prusa has a second version. I finally ordered some linear bearing to replace the brass bushings for the z. My Z decided to bind up and not want to slide anymore. In my frustraction to try and make it move, my X idler broke. So I have a friend printing me a v2 replacement for that and the motor mount, and I’ll just go ahead and replace the y brass bushings as well. They might have been a good idea in the beginning, but the linear bearings are truly the way to go. You can get them off ebay from suppliers for about 12 for $20. Or at least that’s what I got them for. You can order them from china cheaply, but you will have to wait for them to come in.

Bottom line, don’t be in a hurry and you can get things much cheaper. I’m in a hurry though, so I’m $20 lighter. On a bright note, my prusa is forcing me to upgrade.  One part at a time.