Visual Studio 2010

Sky Drive

It’s 25 gb of free online storage. This isn’t a backup, since there is no file history but it is a decent off-site for non private data.

Sky Drive
If you run under linux there is a process for using it with some limitations, and you have to have mono installed on the system.  Here are the instructions for getting it to work.  And here is where the project to run under linux.

My Passport Essential

The only problem with these drives is that, before you can use them you have to update the firmware. You do this so you can get rid of the annoying virtual cdrom that is uses when it is plugged in.

Pull the firmware update from the WD site.

update the firmware on the drive

power cycle the drive by pulling the usb power

Install the latest Smartware software.

Online Book

  1. apt-get install git-core
  2. cd /var/www/html
  3. git clone
  4. mv cookbook maintbook
  5. cd maintbook
  6. git clone
  7. git submodule init
  8. git submodule update
  9. mysqladmin -u falgout -p create maint_book
  10. mysqladmin -u falgout -p create maint_bakery
  11. mysql -u falgout -p maint_book < ./config/sql/complete.sql
  12. mysql -u falgout -p maint_bakery < ./config/sql/complete.sql
  13. chown -R falgout:www-data maintbook
  14. chmod -R 770 maintbook
  15. mv cakephp/cake .
  16. cd config
  17. cp core.php.default core.php
  18. cp database.php.default database.php
  19. vi database.php and update with current database information
  20. vi core.php (modify the .salt feature)